At past conferences, we always had very strong and interesting demo sessions. Despite IEEE AIVR 2020 being a virtual event, we want to provide a similar experience for this year's attendants. Therefore, we ask for submissions of videos accompanied by a two-page short paper, which will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society Press and included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. We are still exploring different platforms for how to make the demo sessions interactive and play your videos at the conference. Details about this will be announced later.
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit extended abstracts of systems and working prototypes plus a video of their research demo, industry demo, or concept demo. Submissions should demonstrate how the technology of AI and VR/AR could be used to generate experiences that allow humans to see, hear, talk, think, learn, connect, collaborate, and/or solve problems in virtual and augmented environments.
The purpose of the demonstrations/video submissions is to give IEEE AIVR's virtual attendees a real, practical, and interactive idea of the presenters' research ideas, scientific contributions, or engineering solutions in an interactive setting. All kinds of video-based demonstrations of working systems, prototypes, video visions, or proof-of-concepts that show new solutions, interesting ideas, or new applications of AI and VR/AR systems and applications are welcome.
We strongly encourage submissions that demonstrate both AI and VR/AR simultaneously, but also welcome works that focus more on one side or the other. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
We highly encourage authors of regular paper submissions to also submit associated demos. For this, please submit the extended abstract and indicate the submission ID of the corresponding regular paper.
Authors and presenters of demonstrations and industry demonstrations must submit:
Demo submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
It is recommended that the submitted files reflect the answers to these questions. Notice that these criteria are not exclusive. We aim at having a manifold and interesting demo session addressing all kinds of aspects with regards to AI, VR, and AR. Thus, work that lacks novelty, but demonstrates important aspects about these domains is also welcome, as are initial implementations of preliminary but innovative, new ideas.
Paper Submission System: Please submit your demo to AIVR via EasyChair (Select "Video paper track" for your submission)