Authors of accepted papers should upload their final camera ready version no later than October 28, 2019 via the following link:
Upload link for camera ready papers
Once you create a login, the system will provide you with further information about formatting your paper. Please take note of the following page limits and don't forget to register by Nov 3, 2019 as well:
Oral presentations: Full, short, industry, and special session papers will be presented as oral talks. Rooms are equipped with a data projector and a Windows computer with Microsoft Powerpoint and PDF reader installed. You can also use your own laptop. See the conference program for your time slot and duration of your talk. Note that the given time is including questions after your talk. Full papers are 25 minutes (15 min talk plus 10 min questions), short and industry papers are 15 minutes (10 in talk plus 5 min questions).
Poster presentations: Posters will be presented in the afternoon on the second conference day (see the conference program for the concrete time slot). Poster authors are expected to be present during that session and engage with the attendees. Posters should be no greater than A1 (portrait orientation). Pins to put them up will be provided by us.
Demo presentations (incl. video demos) Authors of demos and video papers are expected to show their systems during the poster and demo session at the second day of the conference (see the conference program for the concrete time slot). Authors have already been contacted by the demo co-chairs about arrangements. If you have any related questions, please contact them again.