IEEE International conference on


December 12-14, 2022 - Virtual (with satellite events)

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IEEE Computer Society

Message from general co-chairs

After suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two years now, we were all hoping to go back to physical events this year. Unfortunately, the situtation remains difficult and unpredictable, making planning for an on-location event hard if not impossible. Despite recent improvements and lifting of restrictions, we can be sure that in December there will still be places where travel will be difficult, which is why we must provide an option to join the conference remotely. Yet, we also know that hybrid conferences are often not satisfying, neither for the people attending remotely nor the ones on location.

To provide the safest and best possible experience, we therefore decided to host the conference virtually and, if possible, complement it with physical satellite events. Over the summer, we will analyze the current COVID situation and expectations for the end of the year and then decide on where to host these satellite events. We hope to have at least one event in the US, one in Europe, and one in Asia. This will provide us with enough flexibility to react to changing situations and give many people the opportunity to meet physically with at least some of the conference participants.

More information about these satellite events will be posted later, but if you are interested in hosting one or just want to know more about our plans, please reach out. With this approach we hope to be able to provide a great conference experience despite all limitations, and we are looking forward to welcoming you at IEEE AIVR 2022, either remotely or on-location.

General co-chairs
Wolfgang Hürst, Anita Hu, Phil Sheu, and Mar Gonzalez Franco

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