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Information for authors and presenters

Authors of accepted papers must upload their final camera ready version no later than December 13, 2023, via the following link:

Upload link for camera ready papers

Once you create a login, the system will provide you with further information about formatting your paper (including an option to verify your format with PDF eXpress(TM)) and who to contact in case of problems. When uploading your paper, the system also asks you to fill out the copyright release form, which is mandatory for having your paper published. Please take note of the formatting guidelines and page limits and don't forget to also register by Dec 13 Dec 16, 2023. Authors are required to present their paper at the conference.

Your final papers MUST be formatted according to the IEEE Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

Page limits

You can extend this limit by buying up to three more pages at USD 100 for each additional page. This is particularly intended for authors who have been asked by reviewers to provide additional information and details.

Presenter information

Authors are expected to present their work at the conference, either on-site or remotely. Be aware that AIxVR is a “physical first” event, meaning that the option to present remotely is possible, but not all events will be accessible remotely (most presentations but not all sessions will be live streamed in the local time zone of the event).

Full papers, short papers, special session papers

Papers from these categories will be presented in oral sessions. Presentations will be done in Zoom to support remote attendance. People attending remotely can also play a pre-recorded video but must be present in order to answer questions afterward. Presentation times are 20 minutes for full and special session papers (15 min presentation, 5 min questions), and 10 minutes for short papers (8 min presentation, 2 min questions).

Posters/late-breaking-work, demos

Papers from these categories will be presented in dedicated poster sessions. Demo presenters will be contacted after the Christmas holidays about their setup and necessary requirements. The same goes for remote presenters.

Workshop papers

Workshops will also use Zoom for presentations. Please get in touch with the workshop organizers for details.

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